Market Insights
We analyze the healthcare and pharmaceutical market to create the basis for successful corporate and product strategies. Successful strategies are essentially based on detailed knowledge of the relevant market, the customers and their needs, and the competitive environment. This is particularly true for dynamic markets such as the healthcare and pharmaceutical market. Professional market research with its diverse quantitative and qualitative research tools provides the best basis to achieve this.
The challenge
The healthcare and pharmaceutical market is complex. Constant changes and challenges – such as adapting to ever-changing regulatory frameworks, enormous cost pressure coupled with high R&D spending due to the high need for innovation, the increasing merging of market segments, a strong continuously changing competitive environment, and the need for digitalization – characterize the situation of pharmaceutical companies in the healthcare and pharmaceutical market.
Such a dynamic and complex market environment requires fast and unerring strategies in order for a company to be able to assert itself successfully. However, strategic decisions are not always based on sound analysis, and experience shows that such ad hoc decisions often fail to produce the desired results.
Strategic decisions should therefore always be based on a professional and systematic analysis of the relevant market and competitive environment. Well-founded market research results provide empirically validated, fact-based arguments for market-relevant decisions on the one hand and internal and external certainty of action on the other.
Experts of the Dr. Erkens Consulting Group have comprehensive market knowledge in almost all medical fields and offer worldwide quantitative and qualitative pharmaceutical market and healthcare research throughout the entire development and life cycle process of a product.
The portfolio includes – besides own databases in different indication areas, desk research analyses on markets, market access, target groups, competitors, potentials and much more. – the complete methodological toolkit of modern quantitative and qualitative healthcare and pharmaceutical market research.
Projects with global and regional pharmaceutical companies range from support in the methodological and conceptual development of suitable market research projects to complete services from study design and fieldwork to the presentation of results. Based on this or using information available in the company, the development of analytical and market research-based strategies in the area of marketing and sales is carried out and, if required, support is provided in the implementation of market- and customer-oriented marketing and product concepts.
The combination of competencies from the areas of international quantitative and qualitative market research and those of corporate and marketing-sales strategies offer maximum added value and successfully help companies to make the right and promising decisions in their market environment.
Dr. Erkens Consulting Group
Industriestraße 13
64380 Roßdorf
Tel: +49 (0)6154 – 6967 – 944
Mobil +49 (0)179 – 2 41 10 29
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Source: Dr. Erkens Consulting Group 09/2020 - Integrierte Pharma-News auf der Dr. Erkens Consulting Group Website
Source: Dr. Erkens Consulting Group 09/2020
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